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Changshu smooth plastic products factory about plastic extrusion equipment working principle of the cooling water tank

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Plastic extruder in production both in used for granulation and used for production of plastic extrusion products need to use water for cooling molding plastic extrusion products. So the cooling water tank is essential in the production of a less equipment, the following smoothly da plastic products factory in changshu to plastic extrusion equipment cooling water tank and you talk about work.

in the length of the plastic extrusion equipment cooling water tank choices in 2 - Between 3 m, when we are in the production of plastic extrusion products with high water temperature, if the production of plastic extrusion products in the summer, if the water temperature is too high can make plastic extrusion molding difficult or affect the external surface of the plastic extrusion products. Plastic extruder cooling water tank in the production of plastic extrusion products as assistive devices for production, some products tank automatic traction to assist production, some are also equipped with traction for production. When choosing plastic extrusion equipment cooling water tank to consider to change water and cooling two problems, sometimes the plastics extrusion equipment used in cooling water tank for water tank to match the cooling equipment for the chiller.
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