CSSSLD plastic product factory specialized in plastic injection, a professional plastic extrusion manufacturer and plastic injection factory since 1997.

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Quote in plastic injection mold making way?

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Receive customer drawings, and can't direct offer immediately. Psychological also according to the market, customers, competitors, and status factors such as comprehensive analysis, to the appropriate arrangement of valuation, the valuation on the basis of increased 10 - 30% is put forward for the first time offer, after bargaining ( Let the customer feel accounted for cheap) Lower price, according to actual situation.

but when the plastic mould to discuss the price is less than 10% of the value, should be to improve the mould anew refine estimates, in ensure breakeven favourable circumstances, mould processing contracts, finally to determine the price of the mould. Mold price is approved by the both sides and sign the contract, the prices on the forming mould price at this moment, may higher than valuation valuation or below.

when discussing plastic mould price is lower than the break-even price into the mold, should be made to modify the mould processing requirements, conditions, solution, etc. , to reduce some requirements, may reduce the mould processing cost, to estimate, conclude a contract for the mould price again. Should be pointed out that the mold is belong to a special product technology content is higher, should not use a low price, even at a loss price to cater to customers. But should do high-quality, low-price guarantee the quality of mould processing, precision, life in the first place, important and should not put the mold price is overweight. Pursuit of mold at a low price, is difficult to guarantee the quality of mold, precision and life.
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