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A common cause of hollow board turnover box broken

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Hollow board turnover box because of its good performance is widely used in various industries, hollow board turnover box use longer breakage phenomenon is inevitable, because of the use of long time leading to the abrasion of the box is inevitable. But there are some is used in the process of accident case, small make up will come and talk to you in did not meet today life. A common cause of hollow board turnover box before breakage.
and low temperature make plastic hollow board turnover box brittle: now is winter, nationwide in the cool, the northeast has even under the snow, and low temperature will make plastic hollow plate products more crisp, so we must pay attention to when using the hollow board turnover box light with light.

2, fierce collision in the process of transfer: the role of the turnover box is known to all, and in the process of handling and to avoid as far as possible in order to avoid producing hollow board turnover box broken.
3: use time is too long and natural aging: any hollow sheet products have a certain amount of service life, more than nature inevitably damaged after use period.
the above is in the process of normal use, hollow board turnover box a common cause of damage. Do some hollow board turnover box daily necessary maintenance can prolong the service life of hollow board turnover box, in use process need to be careful, pay attention to protect light with light.
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