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A new definition for injection molding

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
injection tooling/molding plastic material in the cylinder of injection molding machine is through external heating and the rotation of the screw and the shear heat of plastic resin material into melt, by applying a certain pressure, the melt injection into the has certain shape of the cavity after cooling to finalize the design items for injection molding.

molding is common used in plastic forming method, it applies to all thermoplastics ( Thermoplastics: repeated heating melt reaction in the specific temperature range and cooling hardening type of plastic, such as ABS, PP, PE, PC, PA, POM) And part of thermosetting plastics, plastic plastic products most of the parts made by injection molding. Injection molding cycle is short, A few seconds to a few minutes) , the quality of molding products can be made of a few grams to dozens of kilograms, can be a molding complex shape, size precision, with metal or nonmetal insert molding product. Therefore, the method is adaptable, high production efficiency.

plastic injection machine is the core of the process of injection molding equipment, production of auxiliary equipment mainly refers to the drying machine, cold water machine, broken material machine and mixer, drying machine is used to dry the plastic raw materials ( Because most plastic polymer containing hydrophilic gene, easily lead to forming water produce the defect such as silver, bubbles and water lines) ; Cold water machine can control the cooling water temperature ( Generally for around 10 ℃) To control the working temperature of mould; Broken material machine will be out of the port or scrap plastic breaking become shuikou material back for the production of ( Play pay attention to different kinds of material can't separately hybrid, environment must keep clean, prevent the pollution) ; Mixer will be effected according to the proportion of plastic raw materials, after weighing material floolwing ( If you need to join) And toner/color by mechanical stirring, mixing, to make the molding plastics coloring, strength. Different plastic its main properties and characteristics of different injection molding process, so according to the different performance and cost of plastic products such as requirements choose appropriate raw material. Plastic mould is given in the production of injection molding plastic shape used a combination of parts, plastic mold structure depending on the nature, shape, structure, fabrication and the plastic injection molding machine such as a different form, size, difference is very big, but its basic structure is roughly same, which are mainly composed of gating system, molding parts, structural parts of three most, including water
note system and is part of the direct contact with plastic molding parts, and with the plastic products processing and change, it is the most important, the most complex, change mould part of the largest and most require precision and surface glossiness. High quality tuning machine technicians can ensure excellent injection molding working conditions and parameters.

molding can manufacture various kinds of shape, size, accuracy and performance requirements of products. Injection molding products including small to a few grams and even a few milligrams of various kinds of instrument micro gear, microelectronics devices, medical equipment, etc. , to a few kilograms of TV sets, washing machines shell, automotive plastic parts, or even tens of thousands of g products.

the micro injection molding technology is a kind of can build on work surface micro structure of the process, so as to provide different functions for finished products, such as the characteristics of water absorption, reduce the flow resistance, light, etc. At present, the technology of the micro injection molding can be made as little as 20 mm subtle knot,. The implementation of micro injection molding technology need special processing and mould technology and equipment, such as using an external heating system ( Induction heating element) , its has two advantages, can realize the local control of cavity surface temperature; Can greatly shorten the heating and cooling time.

injection temperature injection temperature is an important factor to affect the injection pressure. Injection molding machine cylinder have 5 ~ 6 heating period, each material has its appropriate processing temperature ( The detailed data processing temperature can refer to the material suppliers) 。 Injection temperature must be controlled in a certain range. Adverse effects, low temperature, molten material plasticizing quality, increase the difficulty of the process, Temperature is too high, the raw material easy to decompose. In the process of practical injection molding, injection molding temperature are often higher than the cylinder temperature, higher values associated with injection rate and material performance, up to 30 ℃. This is because the melt through the material when the mouth of the high heat generated by shear. When a mold flow analysis can to compensate for the difference in two ways, one is trying to measure molten material on the temperature at which the air injection, the other is a when modeling the nozzle is also included.

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