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A trade war will affect mold industry?

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Remember are going to have dinner with Steven to go to lunch that day, in the car suddenly received news push Steven says trump mad, really increase tariffs on Chinese 25%, their company in the United States, there are a number of supply chain in China, so all the year round, both naturally know what kind of impact it brings to the enterprise. I smiled and said: this tariff increase of plastic mold industry should make little difference to us? Who knows? Rita at night in a group of very not happy said: plastic mould industry is beyond the scope of tariff increase, we also seem to be relieved, also on behalf of our clients relieved, after all, the mold is a bit of profit, increased from 10% to 25% of the tariff, means that you need in our mould full pay 15% more for the U. S. government, U. S. customers will not pay for it, so the mould price is 1 w, 1 w or said trump is the universe's biggest robber never, Hitler so much. Grain in ear, melon and fruit fragrance, changshu in May, like monthly thunderstorm, speaking with you. Always in the evening when everything quiet, melancholy and panic is like a ghost around on the night itself. Reveal that a trade war although there is no mold industry should be brought into the scope of tax increases, can be used as mould, how can we see the impact on the mold industry. Whether our service which industries, including automotive, medical, energy, industry and so on, we are offering a plastic mold is but a drop in the bucket, with $200 billion commodity tax increases, the international market, it will pull the rising cost of made in China to foreign investment enterprise and global buyers have to think about will be transferred to the market of supply chain cost lower regions and countries, in terms of macro industrial chain, no industry is likely to because of the weight of mould stick to procurement in China, after all, China is now mould technology haven't reached the world's top level, nor do not have to China. Predictable gou said more than 2008 financial storm disaster is coming, I want to trade for there is the influence of plastic mold industry, the market by incremental stock, even gradually diminishing, mold manufacturers, how to turn the crisis into an opportunity for progress in the wind and waves? Years of hard work, can withstand the wind and waves?
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