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ABS extruding through the look, feel, smell three methods to identify

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
ABS extruding is common in construction and other industries a kind of engineering plastics, the main advantage is that under the condition of high temperature deformation, also won't condensation, this is mainly due to the ABS thermal deformation temperature can reach 95 degrees. Not only that we in the production process by adding antioxidant and light stability of the reagent, effectively reduced because absorb uv light to make it look yellow. These advantages in ABS extruding polices, which has given rise to low-quality ABS extruding flooding the market, how to identify ABS extruding headaches become customers. Here is how to identify ABS extruding smoothly for big plastic products factory in changshu small make up to talk about their own views, ABS extruding through the look, feel, smell three methods to identify!

1, '

the pale ivory color appearance, non-toxic, tasteless.

brightness, generally is not transparent, here to remind is besides transparent material.

ignited, flame color whether smoking, whether containing from burn or fire doesn't burn, burn slowly and flame yellow, have black smoke, but no molten dripping phenomenon.

2, handle ( Sense of weight, smoothness)

there are tough, hard, just features.

3, smell

all kinds of plastic taste is different, such as flame retardant, plastic softening after burning, burning, a special smell of cinnamon.
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