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ABS plastic tubing in use should pay attention to the six major problems

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
ABS plastic pipe is a common in construction and other industries engineering plastics, the main advantage is that under the condition of high temperature will not deformation, also won't produce condensation, long life and other characteristics to win customers recognition. ABS plastic tubing in use process should pay attention to what issues? Below smooth da plastic products factory in changshu briefly under ABS plastic pipe in the construction of six major problems that should be paid attention to.

1, plastic pipe material, and the key points around the glue overflow should be obvious, if the overflow around viscose discontinuous joint, says daub glue is insufficient, should be joint reshipment. Excessive overflow part should use cotton cloth to wipe the tape.

2, don't in the rain or wet weather conditions of adhesive; Interface; Don't apply the glue with water.

3, do not use the contaminated brush glue; Different adhesives don't use the same brush.

4, not in near a fire place adhesive, no smoking job site.

5, under the condition of low temperature installation, should prolong the water pressure test specified in time.

6, ABS plastic tubing weather resistance is poorer, storage, transportation and installation should pay attention to protection of ABS plastic tubing.
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