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Analysis of injection molding processing plant for processing products

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Analysis of injection molding products is to want to have a preliminary understanding of molding products, in the will to accept the design plan descriptions of the plastic varieties, batch size, dimensional accuracy and technical conditions, product function and working conditions have a overall concept, in order to design the mould optimization molding plastic parts in various ways.
1, the analysis of the products mainly include the following
1, the product size precision and the accuracy of drawing size;
2, draft is reasonable;
3, the thickness of the plastic parts and its uniformity;
4 species and shrinkage rate, plastics;
5, the color on the surface of the plastic and surface quality requirements.
2, plastic parts in the design of the requirements of
1, the name of plastic: polyethylene ( PE) ;
2, color: color, is transparent;
3, production platform: batch.
3, the structure of the product manufacturability and
1, the structure analysis;
2, precision grade;
3, mold release requirements;

4, the performance of the material analysis of polyethylene ( PE) Is composed of ethylene polymerization, polyethylene of abundant raw material sources, and polyethylene with excellent electrical insulation properties, chemical corrosion resistance, low temperature resistance and good processing of liquidity, so the PE and its products production very quickly. Injection molding process for the colour and lustre of PE, fineness and uniformity test, etc. Plastics in the injection machine material canister, after heating, plasticizing flow state reached by mould gating system into the mold cavity forming, the process can be divided into molding, compaction, pressure, backflow and cooling five stages.
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