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Can stretch conductive ink is made from a mix of wafer TPU material

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Produced by mixing 3 d printing plate of thermoplastic polyurethane sheet 2 light-emitting diode ( 领导) Device is composed of repeated bending into cylindrical, but LED light intensity will not reduce, the device also won't appear mechanical failure. Alex Valentine photo by Harvard University, Lori K. Sanders and Jennifer Lewis. This breakthrough is the biological inspired by Harvard University Wisconsin engineering institute of Jennifer Lewis, laboratory and harvard John paulson institute of engineering and applied science ( 海) And J. The U. S. air force research laboratory of Dr Daniel Berrigan and Dr Michael Durstock found together. Reprinted below Wyss Institute press release describes in detail the study site, there was an article in the journal advanced materials about the research paper. Can stretch conductive ink is made from a mix of wafer TPU. Pure TPU and silver - printing TPU ink, to create a device, respectively, the underlying soft substrate and conductive electrode. Will become the Wyss institute of engineers but is now of the Boston university school of medicine, medical students Alex Valentine said, 'because of substrate and electrode containing TPU, when they are have printed one by one, each other strongly together before drying, solvent evaporation, two kinds of printing ink curing, form an integrated system is soft and can be stretched. 'The silver conductive ink printing process chip self aligned in the direction of the print, so they are flat plate side each other at the top lamination, such as overlapping leaves in the forest land. This structure alignment improves the ability of the printing electrode electricity. , 'said Dr Will Boley because is 3 d printing ink and substrate, we can fully control the location of the conductive characteristic pattern, and can design circuit to create soft electronic equipment of almost every size and shape,' Boley is SEAS Lewis laboratory postdoctoral researcher and co-author of this paper. The researchers will be composed of conductive material during stretching to present the electrical conductivity of the soft sensor changes ( That how to detect moving) With a programmable microcontroller chip coupling to deal with the experimental data, and communicate data in the form of humans can understand. To achieve this, the researchers will print of the soft sensor combined with digital pick-up and placement process, this process by applying moderate vacuum, empty printing nozzle to pick up electronic components and place it in a specific programmable manner on the substrate surface. Because the surface installation of electrical components is essentially a hard and rigid, so under the connect it to the soft TPU substrate before team took advantage of the TPU adhesive performance, tu TPU ink at the bottom of the each part. Once dry, TPU anchor these rigid components and the distribution of stress in the matrix, allow the device while maintaining the performance to be stretch up to 30%. By using this method to make the flat TPU piece on two light-emitting diode ( 领导) Consisting of device can flex is cylindrical, and will not lead to the LED light intensity to reduce mechanical failure or device. As a simple proof of concept, the team created two soft electronic devices to demonstrate the full function of the additive manufacturing technology. By putting a TPU and silver - TPU。 Electrode printing ink on the textile substrate and through the pick-up and placement method microcontroller chips and read out the leds to create strain sensor. The wearable device that through the arm sleeve shape bending degree of continuous lighting by LED. By alternating layers of conductive silver - printing TPU electrode and insulated TPU to form the second device, namely people left footprints in the shape of a pressure sensor, in the flexible TPU capacitor is formed on the substrate. Deformation pattern by manual electric reading system for processing, in order to make the foot when people step on sensor visual images. When the team continually optimize materials and methods, hybrid 3 d printing has been widely used in making millions of electronic devices. Lewis said: 'we have enlarged the printable electronic material palette, and extends the programmable platform for the more material printing, so as to realize the digital electronic component selection. ”
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