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Changshu da plastic processing factory smoothly on ABS plastic tubing six major characteristics

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
ABS plastic pipe is a new type of composite plastic pipe material, the full name in Chinese for styrene tube. ABS plastic tubing is widely used in the production, in the final analysis the reason lies in the nature of the ABS plastic tubing and advantages to give the possibility to produce more. Changshu well below da plastic processing plant on ABS plastic tubing six major characteristics.

1, the corrosion resistance: ABS plastic tubing corrosion resistance;

2, heat preservation sex: ABS plastic pipe material, low heat conduction coefficient and good heat preservation;

3, weather resistance, ABS plastic pipe resistance to exposure, not easy to crack,

4, temperature tolerance, ABS plastic pipe under the ground temperature is not brittle crack, is suitable for the work of 30 to 70 degrees Celsius temperature, temperature span;

5, impact resistance, strong toughness, ABS plastic pipe material toughness, in the lining of jams can be banging on the outer wall; There will be no damage.

6, pressure resistance, ABS plastic tubing pressure resistance is strong, its work under the condition of pressure can reach 1. 6MPA。

in addition to the above six characteristics of ABS plastics pipes and non-toxic, and ABS plastic tubing quality of portable, easy handling, construction, can save the cost of production. Therefore, ABS plastic tubing is widely used in the production.
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