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Changshu da plastic processing factory speak smoothly under the plastic surface construction matters needing attention

by:CSSSLD     2021-02-03
With the continuous popularization and development of plastic sheet, has gradually replaced the ordinary ceramic and metal, and has been widely used in the field of major. Then the plastic plate during surface construction need to pay attention to what issues? Changshu well below da plastic processing plants under plastic plate surface construction points for attention.

plastic plate in the surface construction must ensure that basic level surface smooth level off, clean and neat, appears not to have any oil and impurities, the surface can't have sand, peeling phenomenon. The surface can be installed after inspection. Grassroots belongs to the porous materials, hygroscopicity, in order to guarantee the surface with plastic sheet better adhesion, usually besmear first plastic paste, then daub the surface of the base, this shop is out of the effect will be more strong and beautiful. If it is not in accordance with the requirement of pavement, it may influence paste effect, causing surface summon up state.

plastic coating adhesive on must apply evenly, make sure all around are covered, must not appear the phenomenon of leakage besmear, otherwise it will affect the plastic plate and the surface of the sealing. Also note to select normal good quality adhesive, it is forbidden to use expired products. Otherwise it will seriously affect the construction effect of plastic plate.

plastic plate surface during construction and low temperature can't pay attention to the construction environment, keep the  l0 & deg; C more than the best. If the weather is too cold will affect the surface of the construction effect. To ban the use of different product model, to ensure that the color of the plastic sheet should be harmonious and unified, achieve the effect of the uniform, seems to give a person a kind of the feeling of the beauty is generous.
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