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Changshu da plastic products factory introduces classification of plastic sheet production line smoothly

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Plastic sheet production line is in plastic and other raw materials ( Such as wood powder, etc. ) With some corresponding additive to produce plastic sheet of equipment. About the classification of the plastic sheet production line equipment, can according to sheet products of raw materials, shape, use, performance, production process, the following smoothly da plastic products factory in changshu classification introduced plastic sheet production line:

1. According to the plastic raw materials, plastic sheet production line mainly can be divided into common PVC plastic sheet production line, PE plastic sheet production line, PP/PC plastic sheet production line, etc, and ABS, HIPS, PET sheet production line, etc. ;

  2. According to the shape of the plastic sheet we plastic equipment can be divided into: plastic solid board, hollow board production line, single board production line equipment, multi-layer co-extrusion production line, corrugated board production line, etc. ;

  3. According to the division product use, plastic sheet production line can be divided into plastic building template production line, gusset plate production line, etc. ;

  4. From the perspective of foaming process, plastic sheet production line equipment can be divided into free foam board, skinning foam board production line, etc.
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