CSSSLD plastic product factory specialized in plastic injection, a professional plastic extrusion manufacturer and plastic injection factory since 1997.

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Changshu da plastic products factory introduction of plastic pipe extrusion production smoothly

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Plastic pipe extrusion production line includes all kinds of plastics extrusion, the size and shape of the plastic pipe used in the different equipment and auxiliary equipment is not the same. Plastic extruder for extrusion molding equipment is a key equipment, whether it is stability when it is squeezed and extrusion production are the key factors of equipment is good or bad. The changshu da plastic products factory introduction of plastic pipe extrusion production smoothly.

need before extrusion particles, plastic pipe extrusion production raw materials mixing in the kneading mixer. After processing of raw materials through to extrusion pelleting machine and then through cutting machine for cutting materials, the raw materials and promote distribution within the particles of raw material evenly, and plastic extruder needs when extrusion molding plastic particles are used as raw materials for production. Plastic particles through the screw tubes of shear, pressure, after plasticizing and mixing raw materials into full play to their role. Screw after adding pressure to raw materials to make raw material extrusion to the die head shape. To control of temperature in the screw tubes on the temperature of the raw materials to the most appropriate performance so as to satisfy the requirement of the plastic pipe material indicators. Plastic tubing and the equipment of the plastic molding process is not the same, some products can be directly after extrusion molding, cooling and some plastic tubing need after vacuum system to produce the products.
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