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Changshu da plastic products factory introduction to hinder the plastics extrusion mould smoothly continuous production factors

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Plastic extrusion die in the raw material supply and production technology are relatively fixed or are changing conditions, usually with the stability of the extrusion mould continuous production ability and adaptability to process environmental changes, to judge the quality of extrusion mould production. Changshu well below da plastic products factory introduction to hinder the continuous production of plastic extrusion die.

the first stability of plastic injection mould.

in the process of plastic injection mould switch machine, by observing the length and thickness of the plastic extrusion die head section, can be found that the morphology of extrusion plastic parison, which can determine the plastic melt in the shape of the plastic extrusion die head.

hinder the stability of the plastic injection mould are mostly shaping and cooling water tank cooling device, the reason is that in the cooling and extrusion of plastic melt decomposition will make the partial function of vacuum system failure.

the second the adaptability of plastic injection mould.

when the raw material supply and production technology are changing conditions, want to note the liquidity of plastic melt changes, after the plastic melt out of the plastic extrusion die head, see the plastic parison shape have changed, whether within the permitted beyond the extrusion of plastic melt ininjection mould production, plastic extrusion die head is good or bad a direct impact on raw materials and technology conditions change after the adaptability.

in the test quality of plastic injection mould, the key is to adapt to the performance of the inspection, the replacement of raw material supply and technical formula for plastics extrusion mould machining process is inevitable, which requires good adaptability, let plastic extrusion die can be perfect operation in any environment.
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