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Changshu da plastic products factory smoothly on PVC plastic different profile welding knowledge

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
PVC plastic different profile irregular plastic material is PVC material, it is widely used in urban drainage, water supply, construction, etc. , on the market and also some of the PVC plastic mechanical manufacturing crafts. Needs to be in the process of PVC plastic different profile to use PVC plastic different profile for welding, so should be how to carry out welding? Changshu well below da plastic products factory to introduce PVC plastic different profile welding knowledge!

PVC plastic different profile plastic welding is mainly adopts hot air welding method, welding with hot air welding torch ( A similar hair heat blower) Heating plastic joints to soften its, at the same time to press the heated plastic into joint. For plastic welding is different from the way the gold welding metal melting, heating and plastic tree which can make the electrode after the softening and cementation is an organic whole, each plate joint formation of welding seam. The operation must have a skilled process, learn some experience.

such as plastic welding shrinkage is much higher than metal, metal required welding shrinkage basically is well documented, and PVC plastic different profile plastic welding or is developing a new technology, the current is not according to the determined. Most of them are based on his experience in practice to judge its allowance should be. So every beginner, must want to practice, master the four elements of plastic welding, namely, the temperature of hot air, the degree of plastic are heated, the welding stress and welding speed.
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