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Changshu da plastic products factory smoothly popularization considerations for the production of PE plastic plate

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
PE plastic sheet is a kind of high crystallinity, nonpolar thermoplastic resin. Appearance white color, in a small cross section in a certain degree of translucent. Strong tasteless non-toxic, small water imbibition, insulation, low density, good toughness, easy to stretch, etc! Widely used in chemical, mechanical, chemical, electric power, clothing, packaging, food and other industries. So widely used, the PE plastic sheet which should be paid attention to the problems in the process of production? Changshu well below da plastic products factory to popularize the considerations for the production of PE plastic plate!

we at the time of manufacture and production of PE plastic sheet, it is important to note is the choice of raw materials, and the related technology of construction, PE plastic sheet in the manufacturing of raw materials on the actual belongs to inert molecules, and raw materials on the performance of the whole flow is very bad, this is the PE plastic sheet on the choice of raw materials is the most important to solve the problem.

in order to better the PE plastic sheet on the raw materials of illiquid effectively improve, must add the right amount of lubricant, and lubricant itself belongs to salts and stearic acid, so for PE plastic raw materials used, can effectively use PE plastic sheet on the uniformity of material, and using on the performance of ascension, the main thing is that there will be no bad bubbles, etc.
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