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Changshu da plastic products factory speak smoothly color distortion performance of three kinds of PVC plastic profile

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Many people think that solve the problem of plastic material processing and colour and lustre is inconsistent, as long as the yellow plastic profile production line to reduce the processing temperature, can reduce the color difference. But there are also people who believe that is the greatest influence yellow PVC, CPE, stabilizer, different batches of PVC, CPE, stabilizer, the main auxiliary materials, processing will exist in different color. In this case, even a single add a certain amount of brightener, light aging resistance agent, also not much. Changshu da plastic products factory speak smoothly below color distortion performance of three kinds of PVC plastic profile!

heat, oxygen, light aging color yellow is the major forms of plastic profile, with individual stabilizer manufacturers in the promotion of its products claimed that the use of their products and similar factories than, can reduce the number and reduce the cost, although the result can also be produced apparent satisfactory plastic material, but in the recycling of waste, in demanding the process temperature, due to its thermal stability is inefficient, the damage to the molecular structure of the PVC is not visible to the naked eye can observe, so the production occur when the following conditions:

( 1) Plastic material during processing is found that the color is not unified, If there was a slight deviation of colour and lustre is allowed) ;

  ( 2) Plastic material after heating deformation obviously yellowing;

  ( 3) In good condition after heating, but plastic plastic material made from doors and Windows of time becomes the ash. Profiles in the normal production is not yellow, and later into yellow window products.
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