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Changshu da plastic products factory talk about classification of extruder

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Extruder can be subdivided into many, the kinds of extruder is classified according to what? The following smoothly da plastic products factory in changshu extruder classification.

we know first extruder in accordance with the material of extrusion products can be divided into plastic extruder, rubber extruder, silicone rubber extruder, elastomer extruder, etc. This classification is based on different of extrusion materials, because the forming principle of extrusion materials different kinds products are different. According to the physical properties of each material to carry out targeted the configuration of the various materials of extruder configuration difference is very big. Such as plastic extrusion machine and rubber extruder can be distinguished from exterior. We see the plastic extrusion machine and can be divided according to the number of screw, can be divided into single screw extruder, twin screw extruder and screw extruder. Most widely used of the single screw extruder, like our common pelleting machine, extrusion moulding machine, many of them are produced by using single screw extrusion. And double screw also has its merits, twin screw extruder with less heat produced by friction, material by shear was homogeneous, the screw of large conveying capacity, the quantity is stable, materials in the barrel to stay long, mixed evenly. Twin-screw extruder feeding feature is good, suitable for powder processing, and better than single screw extruder with mixing, exhaust, reaction and self-cleaning function, the features of poor processing thermal stability of plastic and more shows its superiority when blending.
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