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Changshu da plastic products factory talk about extrusion plastic special-shaped material classification

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Extrusion plastic different profile is by extrusion is a circular cross section of plastic products, mainly on plastic special-shaped material, in addition to round, square, outside the plate profile, and corrugated board, groove, tee, etc. , are widely used in architectural decoration, furniture and so on industry. Plastic different profile can say most is to point to use resin as basic material, adding different additives and cooperate with the agent, through the cross section shape of extrusion process more complex extrusion plastic mechanical products. Changshu well below da plastic products factory talk about extrusion plastic special-shaped material classification.

extrusion plastic different profile section although is very complex, but because of the plastic forming easily, as long as the mould design is reasonable, it can use the extrusion method for a molding products, products of good quality and high production efficiency. Extrusion of plastic profiles according to the degree of hardness and softness, can be divided into the soft plastic different profile and hard plastic different profile. According to classification can be divided into plastic type: PVC plastic special-shaped material, ABS plastic special-shaped material, PE plastic special-shaped material, etc. , most of which are PVC plastic different profile. According to section characteristics of extrusion plastic different profile can be divided into alien special-shaped material, hollow profiles, plug type insulation, open profiles, sectional profiles, Mosaic profiles, solid profiles 7 categories.
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