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Changshu da plastic products factory talk about plastic board smoothly when the choose and buy to how to identify

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Family is decorated must be use plastic board, so how to choose and buy plastic sheet, in the plastic sheet when the choose and buy to how to identify? Changshu well below da plastic products factory talk about plastic plate when the choose and buy to how to identify?

the plastic plate surface had obvious flaws, decorative plastic plate surface should be smooth, without burr and plane cutting tool and glue penetration phenomenon and surface pollution phenomenon ( If the partial black, yellow) , as far as possible choose plastic plate surface without crack, crack, without her, leather, resin capsule and gum, the entire plastic natural warp degrees should be small as far as possible, avoid caused by improper operation sanding process revealed the sand through phenomenon. Identify two sub-companies named seaport cover and natural wood veneer cover plastic plate. The former plastic plate grain basic for straight texture and texture design rules; The latter plastic sheet for wooden decorative pattern, natural texture pattern of natural variability is bigger, no rules.

in buy plastic plate, plastic plate must pay attention to appearance, decorative plastic sheet should have good aesthetic appearance, uniform material should be careful, colour and lustre is clear, beautiful wood grain, board with board and texture should be arranged according to certain rule, spelling a flower color close, flat-fell seam and almost parallel to the edge. Does plastic stability of plank sub structure, no glue phenomenon. Plastic plate surface veneer should be paid attention to and between base material, base material internal layers do not appear beat, a layered phenomenon. Choose a plate of formaldehyde release a quantity to low, don't choose irritating smell of decorative plates. Because the larger the plastic smell, formaldehyde release a quantity to the higher, the more powerful, the greater the harmfulness of pollution.
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