CSSSLD plastic product factory specialized in plastic injection, a professional plastic extrusion manufacturer and plastic injection factory since 1997.

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Changshu da plastic products factory talk about plastic extruding production line smoothly

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Plastic extrusion line is to produce plastic plastic tubing, plastic sheet, plastic sheet and some plastic special-shaped material production line. The following changshu da plastic products factory talk about plastic extruding production line smoothly.

plastic extrusion line including grain production and product extrusion production of two parts, a variety of plastic products are made of plastic particles for production. So plastic granules extrusion production line is the production of plastic products less essential part of the plastic products quality are determined according to the quality of plastic particles. General plastic products are reverse cost, good product quality and profit then according to the quality of the products we need to accounting cost. The production of plastic particles is composed of plastic powder and some auxiliary filling equipment for production. Is commonly used plastic granule machine cylinder is the material raw material after the plasticizing and extruding growth, and then after cooling to finalize the design with cutting machine cut into we need plastic particles. This way is convenient to store transport are very common in the practical production. The role of plastic extruder is directly for extrusion molding, and then after water cooling can get what we need.
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