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Changshu da plastic products factory talk about plastic sheet production line smoothly temperature control

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Domestic plastic sheet production line are mostly using simple temperature control instrument and temperature control circuit to control. It has poor precision and large amount of overshoot such as faults, it is difficult to meet the requirements of manufacturing high quality plastic sheets. Plastic sheet production line is mainly composed of extruder, head, three-roll calender, traction, rewinder and other parts. 2 - including: plastic extrusion machine general configuration Three different sheet production to adapt to the need. For plastic sheet production line, paragraphs cylinder, the nose and the temperature of the three-roll calender great relationship with the quality of the plastic sheet. Changshu da plastic products factory talk about plastic sheet production line smoothly below temperature control.

1, the extrusion temperature control: according to the plastic extruder cylinder temperature variety.

2, head temperature control: generally higher than the barrel temperature, if the head temperature is too low, will cause the plate surface gloss, easy to crack. If head temperature is too high, easy to decompose, board inside the pores. Normally should be low temperature control in the middle, on both sides of the nose is high, and the temperature of the nose should be strictly controlled in the range of specified temperature, otherwise it will affect the plastic plate thickness uniformity.

3, three-roll calender temperature control: from the extrusion sheet extrusion plastic temperature is higher, the sheet should be slow cooling, in order to prevent the plate because of the internal stress and warping. Roller temperature must be good control, roller temperature is too low. Sheet if the roller temperature is too low, it is not easy to close to the surface of the roller, the surface easy to produce spot, and without burnish.
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