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Changshu da plastic products factory talk about PVC plastic different profile development smoothly

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
PVC plastic different profile as one of the product of the development of science and technology, PVC plastic different profile visible at any time in our daily life. Do you know that in our country the development of PVC plastic different profile? Changshu well below da plastic products factory for you to talk about the development of PVC plastic different profile.

PVC plastic profiles in the development of our country also has experienced the introduction and development stage. Compared with foreign countries, our country's development will be late some time for the production of PVC plastic different profile.

China's first root UPVV flaring tube was born in shenyang in 1983, plastics factory, appeared after the PV plastic special-shaped material C. In Europe, 1980 & ndash; — In 1990, a 8% increase in plastic pipe material, the annual output of 3. 5 million tons, 2001 and more than 60% of PVC plastic pipe material. The plastic pipe material production of 1. 6 million tons, 1985, 1999 annual output of about 3. 6 million tons, among them, the PVC pipes (78%). At this time of the PVC plastic different profile is the pursuit of low cost, simplify the doors and Windows profile section, formula of filling calcium carbonate, cause the product performance is very low, a lot of quality problems affect the appearance of the product promotion.

the late 90 s is the development of China PVC plastic tubing golden era. During some capacity in more than 50000 tons of plant completed and put into operation in succession, more than ten thousand tons of production scale of PVC plastic pipe factory of more than 30. To check plastic tubing in 2013 annual production capacity of 2 million tons.

2013 years later, PVC plastic material industry has entered a transitional period.
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