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Changshu of crowded SuChang speak smoothly plastic construction six points for attention

by:CSSSLD     2021-02-03
Plastic sheet has with many advantages become the latest must-haves in the construction industry, sales scope has been involved in all parts of the country. So must be carried out in accordance with the normal production process to the operation of the plastic sheet, in order to guarantee the perfect work of plastic sheet. Changshu smoothly reach below crowded SuChang plastic construction six points for attention!

a, staff in the plastic processing before the production to check whether the machine run normally, everything is ready to start working again. Must be ready before operation safety protective measures, to wear safety helmet and fasten your seat belt, ready to need to use the bag, must not treat STH lightly at work, always ensure operation safety of plastic sheets.

2, before the plastic spot welding to check each wire is normal electricity, should set fire at the bottom of the welded pipe. Check after completes the safety protective measures, in the process of welding to be vigilant, can't distracted, time to assure the safety of his own life.

3, in the high temperature weather during operations should be ready to fall, heat staff can have some green bean soup to fall, the heat don't continue to work, to be appropriate to have a rest. Construction of discarded items to clean up in time, maintain a clean and tidy environment construction.

4, banning smoking in the construction site, or flammable items, in case of fire, causing serious casualties, at the same time bring serious economic loss.

5, want to do a good job of protection of plastic sheet, the construction of residual waste with the cement bag away in time, can't spilled everywhere, in order to avoid damage to the plastic board, transportation to pay attention to the light to take light put, lest make garbage were leaked, causing air pollution.

6, be sure to do a good job in sewage discharge machine should be arranged beside the sewage pool, so that the sewage discharge in a timely manner. The sewage into the sewage pool  into the municipal sewage pipe network.
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