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Changshu of plastic extrusion factory talk smoothly development prospect of PVC plastic floor

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
PVC plastic floor is also known as & other; Light body floor & throughout; , which is one of the world's most popular new type of light body ground decorates material. Production of PVC plastic floor of the main material is PVC, it is a kind of environmentally friendly non-toxic renewable resources, it has a lot of use in People's Daily life. The following works of plastic extrusion factory in changshu to PVC plastic and you talk about the development prospects of the floor.

PVC plastic floor of 100 years of history of many countries in Europe, it not only excellent and there's still a lot of protection for the environment, and in many developed countries have become instead of tiles and wooden floor is the best choice.

PVC plastic floor light weight, good environmental performance, high elasticity, impact resistant, waterproof non-slip, installation convenience, high cost performance. Using status quo of the current domestic PVC plastic floor is used in large public places, common family homes primarily use is ordinary wood floor and ceramic tile, PVC plastic floor, so to speak in the domestic market share is relatively small, and with the further development of the economy, domestic consumers pay more and more attention to environmental protection and health, so the development prospects of PVC plastic floor is worth waiting for.
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