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Changshu smooth analytical molecular structure of PVC plastic products factory and color

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
PVC plastic pipe material sometimes there will be some color problem, so what kind of relationship between molecular structure of PVC and color? Well da plastic products factory in changshu below small make up for everyone to analyse:

first, PVC resin is a kind of heat-sensitive plastic, its light stability is poorer, PVC is susceptible to oxidation, resulting in a color change. Second, in PVC resin have a certain number of low molecular weight components, reduces the thermal stability of the polymer, PVC decomposition besides stabilizer and can be affected by the quality of PVC resin itself, thus will occur some changes in color. Again, if the initiator are added into the polymerization process, catalyst, acid and alkali removal, or absorb the moisture in the process of storage and transportation, will reduce the stability of the polymer. Finally, when the PVC profile exposure in the natural environment, once the dehydrochlorination of PVC components, calcium carbonate, calcium chloride group branch into a new composition, it scattered within the oxidation degradation of physical layer, and forming potential water position, this is one of the reasons for the outdoor profile yellowed.

the above some of the changes is because PVC molecular structure, leading to a PVC pipe fitting.
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