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Changshu smooth development direction of plastic processing factory talk about plastic pipe equipment

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
The application of plastic pipe fitting more and more widely in today's society, the rapid growth of demand for plastic pipe material to drive the plastic tubing equipment innovation, changshu well below da plastic processing factory talk about plastic tubing equipment development direction!

in recent years, large plastic pipes ( Large diameter) Demand is growing rapidly, whether in the municipal engineering, construction drainage pipeline, water conservancy project construction, gas transmission project can use a large plastic pipe material, and the feature of formal also push toward the direction of the development of plastic pipe equipment.

municipal engineering, construction drainage pipeline for plastic pipe material such as high quality requirements, strict performance testing, it requires plastic tubing equipment must be fine, screw in the processing of raw materials, to meet the characteristics of special material, at the same time in the process of forming, require plastic pipe equipment can accurately control the change of the raw material temperature, make the temperature more uniform, so as to ensure the quality of pipe products and performance.

so we can be summed up in plastic tubing equipment is developing towards large scale and intensification.
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