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Changshu smooth plastic factories introduce split, plastic different profile

by:CSSSLD     2021-02-03
Plastic special-shaped material to a wide range, such as plastic and wood composite and metal compound, and fiber composite, and other plastic composite and the same plastic different color composite, soft and hard plastic composite products, etc. Plastic different profile can be divided into the split plastic different profile and set with plastic different profile. Changshu well below da plastic processing plants introduced split, plastic different profile.

1, the split plastic different profile: split profiles mainly adopt a total of extrusion process. It can be the same material, different color or soft and hard compound extrusion, or different materials of composite extrusion products. In addition to pan round embossing and printing embossing the surface of the sheet also belong to split profiles.

2 set with plastic different profile: Mosaic plastic different profile is to use so-called cladding forming force method, plastic coating on the outside of the other sections of products. Purpose is to use other structural material to make up for the shortcoming of low plastic strength, in order to make full use of the advantages of the two materials. Usually plastic coating in steel profiles, steel tube, fiber and wood profiles such as the plastic material. For example in the hard PVC plastic profile steel after outsourcing, insulation type was gangsu doors and Windows, can not only improve the heat insulation performance of steel window, and improve the shortcomings of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic rigid difference. This kind of composite profiles can be used as civil, construction, furniture, and automobile components will be rapid development in the future.
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