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Changshu smooth plastic products factory about the PP plastic sheet and stainless steel bonding together

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Many friends don't know, how to manage the adhesion between PP plastic sheet and stainless steel, said the PP plastic sheet and stainless steel, two kinds of material is completely different, and so on the adhesion, will surely there is a lot of trouble, relatively speaking, PP plastic sheet on the density to smaller, and the mechanics performance is better, so on molding processing performance are also high quality. The mainest is PP plastic sheet on the performance of the chemical, or on the insulation performance of the electric has unique advantages, however, still belongs to the superficiality of the inert material PP plastic board, so in the conducts of adhesive and stainless steel, are many industry friends more headaches, changshu smoothly da plastic products factory after many considerations, it is concluded that the following can glue together the three steps!

a, adhesion of PP plastic sheet and stainless steel, the first thing to the surface of the special processing, can use the cloth to PP plastic plate, and wipe the surface of stainless steel, is mainly the surface dust, clean and oil, it will be more conducive to both glue, and guarantee the effect of adhesion to a great extent.

2, use the brush to clean up the surface of the PP plastic sheet, choose the adhesive performance is very good and glue, smear evenly on the surface of stainless steel and PP plastic board, must ensure that the coating on the thickness is uniform, can't appear any adhesive blind spot, if conditions permit, or there is a requirement, it is best to both sides of the glue processing.

3, on the surface of the PP plastic sheet, and the surface of the stainless steel brush glue evenly, after placing it to dry for at least six minutes above, ensure that hand in direct contact, there will be no drawing is the best, then PP plastic sheet and stainless steel joint, using the weight on the pressure, ensure complete joint between PP plastic sheet and stainless steel.
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