CSSSLD plastic product factory specialized in plastic injection, a professional plastic extrusion manufacturer and plastic injection factory since 1997.

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Changshu smooth plastic products factory is introduced plastic extrusion production line of tractor

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
We all know plastic extruder is used to produce plastic products of a kind of molding equipment, can produce many kinds of plastic products. Plastic extruder with plastic particles, plastic product quality are on plastic particles to control, but after extrusion molding plastic products need water cooling can obtain the products we need. In order to ensure that the product can be continuous production, plastic extrusion products in after water cooling need to use tractors to pulling the product packaging location for packaging. Changshu below smooth plastic products factory is introduced plastic extrusion production line of tractor.

plastic base line tractor for different products to choose the main is not the same. As we saw in the production of sealing strip tractor is usually roll type, with a single roller traction on products is conducted by traction or double roller production. And use some of the product will produce deformation after traction friction surface or the product has resulted in product appearance. This would require the use of crawler tractor for traction, when a lot of plastic pipe production are manufactured by crawler tractor. So plastic extrusion line for different products of equipment is not the same, to carry out targeted according to different products to choose.
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