CSSSLD plastic product factory specialized in plastic injection, a professional plastic extrusion manufacturer and plastic injection factory since 1997.

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Changshu smooth plastic products factory talk about plastic extruder temperature control

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Extrusion of plastic is hot plastic, thermal plastic melt when heated and again in cooling solidification. So will need to heat in the process of extrusion, used to keep the plastic can achieve melting temperature. The melting plastic heat come from? Changshu below smooth plastic products factory talk about plastic extruder temperature control.

first plastic extruder feed preheating and cylinder/mould heater may play a role and at boot time is very important, the other motor into energy, which overcome the resistance of the viscous melt motor rotating screw on cylinder body are produced when the friction heat, and all the plastic is the most important source of heat, of course, small system, low speed screw, high melt temperature outside of the plastic and coating application. In plastics extrusion operation, realize the barrel heater is not the main heat source is very important, barrel heater for extrusion effect may be small than we expected. Barrel temperature after mining is more important, because after the barrel temperature ring gear or the solid conveying in the feed speed. Except for some specific purpose ( Such as glazing, fluid distribution or pressure control) , plastic extrusion die head and plastic injection mould temperature should be needed to achieve melt temperature or close to the temperature.
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