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Changshu smooth plastic products factory talk about plastic extrusion machine maintenance method

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Plastic extruding machine belongs to the production equipment in use process need for maintenance, maintenance mode can be divided into regular maintenance and daily maintenance. Changshu well below da plastic products factory plastic extrusion machine maintenance method.

plastic extrusion machine adopts the daily maintenance and maintenance regularly maintain one of two ways:

1, the daily maintenance is a regular routine work, do not take a plastic extrusion machine equipment operation hours, usually done during driving. Focus on cleaning machine, lubrication of each moving part, tighten screws, easy to loose, check in time to adjust motor, control instrument, the working parts and pipeline etc.

2, regular maintenance is in commonly 2500 - extruding machine run continuously 5000 h after the machine downtime, the machine need to identify the inspection, measuring, disintegration of wear situation of main components, replace the plastic extruding machine has reached the rules the wear limit parts, repair the damaged parts.

3, do not allow the plastic extruding machine run idle, so as to avoid plastic extruder screw and barrel rolling.

4, plastic extrusion machine operation in case of abnormal sound, should immediately stop plastic extruding machine, the inspection or repair.

5, beware of metal or other material into the hopper, so as to avoid damage to the screw and barrel. To prevent iron impurities into the plastic extrusion machine machine barrel, may in the material into the plastic extruding machine machine is installed in place of tube feeding mouth suck magnetic component or magnetic frame, to prevent debris into the cylinder must be sieving the material in advance.

6, pay attention to the production environment clean, do not make rubbish impurities mixed with the material blocking plastic extruder filter board, affect the quality and quantity of plastic extrusion products and increase the starting resistance.

7, when the plastic extrusion machine need to stop using for a long time, should be in the screw, barrel, head work surface coated with anti-rust grease, etc. Small screw should be suspended in the air or in special cases, and wood cushion flat so as to avoid the screw deformation or damaged.

8, regular calibration temperature control instrument, check the accuracy of temperature control instrument to adjust and control of sensitivity.

9, plastic extruder reducer to maintain the same as the standard reducer. Mainly is to check the gear, bearing wear and failure situation. Plastic extruder reducer machine specification should be used the specified lubricating oil, and in accordance with the provisions of the oil level height add oil, too little oil, lubrication, reduce the service life of the parts; Big oil too much, fever, more energy, oil perishable, also make the lubrication failure, the consequences of damage parts. Parts should be replaced timely gasket reducer leakage, and to ensure that the amount of lubricating oil.

10, plastic extrusion machine attached cooling water pipe wall easily furring external corrosion rust. When maintenance should be done carefully, excessive scale can plug line, short of cooling, rust will serious leaks, therefore in the plastic extrusion machine maintenance descaling and anticorrosive cooling measures must be taken.

11, from dc motor driving screw rotation should check the brush wear and contact, to plastic extrusion machinery motor insulation resistance value is above the specified value should also be measured regularly. In addition to check the plastic extruder connecting cables and other parts for rust, and USES the protection measure.

12, appoint someone who's in charge of equipment maintenance. And each time maintenance and repair of detailed records on factory plastic extrusion machine equipment management files.
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