CSSSLD plastic product factory specialized in plastic injection, a professional plastic extrusion manufacturer and plastic injection factory since 1997.

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Changshu smooth talk da plastic products factory extruder under three kinds of forms of the nose

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Many plastic tubing products, such as urban construction some water pipe, gas pipe, drainage pipe, agricultural irrigation and drainage tube, industrial chemical pipeline, oil pipeline, the communication electrical insulating tube, etc. Production of these pipes required equipment basic same, mainly including the extruder, finalize the design equipment, traction device, trademark printing device, cutting or winding device, flaring and stacking device, etc. Changshu well below da plastic products factory talk about extruder three head form!

common plastic pipe extrusion head has the following three forms:

straight through the nose, also known as flat head. The nose of the molten material extrusion direction and extruder screw axis direction parallel or consistent, it is the simplest and the most economic, most commonly used of the nose. The disadvantage is that the shunt stent shunt trace is difficult to eliminate. 8. 2. 2 pipe extrusion head for typical structure

right Angle head, also known as the cross head or bend the nose. The nose of the molten material extrusion direction into 90 square, can effectively eliminate the raw from the shunt shunt mark, improve product quality, the disadvantage is that core mold design, processing, installation difficulties.

lateral head, also known as tube head. By the extruder melt expect after two times to the nose ( 90° Or 45 & deg; ) And parallel to the direction of the axis screw extrusion, the advantage is strengthened the soluble material plasticizing, improved product quality, suitable for the production of large diameter pipe. Defect is complicated structure, mould cost is high.
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