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Changshu smooth talk da plastic products factory reworked material extruded plate three fatal flaws

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Insulation board is popular on the market at present is extruded plate plate, now in the market circulation of extruded board has two kinds: one kind is made of new material of the original raw extruded sheet, another is to use waste plastic recycling after reworked material made of extruded sheet, because the price of the original raw extruded plate and high qualified extruded plate production equipment is very expensive, at present our country only in Shanghai, tianjin, chengdu and other places there are a few factories have this kind of equipment, the general production of reworked material extruded plate is cheaper, so most of the buildings on the mainland adopts extruded plate is reworked material extruded plate prices cheaper, changshu below smooth talk da plastic products factory reworked material extruded plate under three fatal flaw!

in the first place, the reworked material extruded plate production process is the raw material after heat extrusion molding, so that insulation board is very important in the additive flame retardant in machining process is easy to volatilize shoulds not be retained, some manufacturers even add flame retardant in order to save cost, as a result this kind of insulation board is easy to light the fire.

second, because the physical properties of the reworked material extruded plate is very poor, use two years later can appear around extruded plate tilted outward phenomenon called become warped edge, become warped edge of extruded plate joint cracking will occur and make flammable insulation board exposed on the surface buildings, at this moment, once has the flame lit, insulation board has caused a serious fire will burn and spread.

again, reworked material extruded sheet because of repeated recycling of raw materials to the board of colour and lustre is poorer, so most of the manufacturers adopt the way of add pigment to the board to another color, the purpose is to cover the instinctive quality of reworked material, so this kind of board general smell is bigger, acrid, harmful to human body.
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