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Changshu smoothly da plastic products factory about ABS plastic pipe and stainless steel adhesive

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Whether ABS plastic pipe or stainless steel, etc. , are more common in daily life and production of materials, and the ABS plastic pipe and stainless steel are combined, in the actual application is also more common, in the whole manufacturing process, are heavily dependent on glue, ABS plastic pipe and stainless steel adhesive, so for the choice of the glue and how? Changshu well below da plastic products factory talk about ABS plastic pipe and stainless steel under three problems should be paid attention to when bonding!

a, you first need to confirm that the ABS plastic pipe and stainless steel for bonding area size, if the bonding area is small, so it is best to choose the curing speed is relatively fast glue, but if the area of the adhesive is relatively large, so you should choose the curing speed slower some plastic glue, to ensure that the entire time control of the operation.

2, the second is to consider environmental issues, for bonding of stainless steel and ABS plastic pipe material, the traditional glue can contain three toluene or other harmful solvents, so we should be more careful selection is, particularly for some pancake Turner, or dietary respect need to use products in adhesive, but also to be more careful.

3, finally is the ABS plastics pipes and stainless steel bonding, in the use of the environment confirmation, ABS plastic tubing on the working temperature should be kept in - 50℃- 80 ℃ between, between the temperature does not need to consider problems of high temperature resistant, and made use of abs plastic handle, relatively on the heat insulation effect is very good.
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