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Changshu smoothly da plastic products factory about ABS plastic pipe forming five points for attention

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
1/7 of the ABS plastic pipes for steel than quantity to reduce the structure weight; Fluid resistance is small; Chemical performance is stable, sealed performance is good; ; Plastic tubing to reduce the consumption of raw materials, reduce the labor intensity of artificial, and greatly saves the project investment, convenient construction, good effect, fast curing speed, high bonding strength, avoids the general pipeline run risk of dripping phenomenon. It is the advantage of ABS plastic tubing that ABS plastic tubing made her very popular. Changshu well below da plastic products factory about the ABS plastics pipe extrusion forming five note!

1, the extrusion of ABS resin by process should try to adopt low temperature control, pay attention to the molten material in the barrel residence time shoulds not be too long, avoid decomposition melting. Molten material decomposition temperature is 250 ℃.

2, production of ABS pipes, often should observe color, melting molten material with pale yellow as plasticizing temperature control is reasonable. When the pale its melting, the barrel temperature partial

high, to reduce the barrel temperature immediately.

3, sizing set of distance from mouth mould should be controlled in 15 & ndash; — Within the scope of 35 mm.

4, if the barrel temperature control technology is reasonable, but still there are phenomenon of molten material decomposition ( Molten material color pale grey) Again, should consider to choose the screw length to diameter ratio.

5, the working speed of the screw is unfavorable and exorbitant, generally no more than 20 r/min.
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