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Changshu smoothly da plastic products factory about how to prolong the service life of PVC plastic coil

by:CSSSLD     2021-02-03
PVC plastic coil products maintenance method resolution using life. In modern life, there are many is PVC plastic coil products. So how are these PVC plastic coil usual maintenance, ability to make products more durable, more durable? Changshu well below da plastic products factory about how to prolong the service life of PVC plastic coil!

first of all, let me first introduce you what are the characteristics of PVC plastic coil products. PVC plastic coil can strong illumination, hydrolysis resistance, resistance to acid and alkali resistance, wear resistance, etc. PVC plastic coil products avoid exposure in the sun, although PV plastic coil, which is good, strong resistance to light C but do not represent every day in the sun, there is no matter.

you should know, PVC plastic coil products is actually very afraid of light, the thickness of 50 wire PVC plastic coil, if not add light resistance agent in the consumer, that this kind of PVC sheet to direct it for just three days in the summer sunshine, will become very fragile. PVC plastic coil products although we light resistant agent is added in the consumer, also is only delayed the PVC plastic aging speed under the light, but in the sun direct illuminate, the aging speed is quicker than the shadows to five or six times. PVC plastic coil products, so as far as possible not in the sun direct illuminate, resistance to light and no light resistant plastic coil, will greatly extend its using life.

PVC plastic coil products always, always with warm cloth to wipe, it can greatly improve the life of the sheet, because the water molecules with soda ash attack of PVC plastic suction, stick to the PVC plastic coil products wet, and the water molecules to prevent a sheet of the aging speed, increase its use life.

try not to rub the PVC plastic coil products. Because PVC plastic coil products after a long time, can in the surface more or less attacks aging, the aging of materials, to prevent aging into internal penetration, friction PVC plastic coil, is to destroy those who maintain layer.

try not to contact with acid, due to the PVC plastic coil, using soda ash as catalyst consumption, assuming that connect to the acid solution, and will attack, new material consumption.

PVC coil floor, our weekly to plastic coated with a layer of wax on the floor, can greatly improve the use life of the floor. PVC plastic coil products maintenance method resolution using life.
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