CSSSLD plastic product factory specialized in plastic injection, a professional plastic extrusion manufacturer and plastic injection factory since 1997.

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Changshu smoothly da plastic products factory about plastic industrial development prospect

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
With the development of social economy and industry technology progress, PE plastic, polyethylene plastic plate and other kinds of plastic plate has a more extensive use of, has great development prospects, the following works of plastic products factory in changshu plastic industrial development prospects of a professional analysis.

the development of petrochemical industry category has contributed to the increase of plastic products and application has reached the peak period of the current international and professional category reflects the industrial development and progress is one of the important symbol of a country or area per capita consumption in plastic and plastic industry in the national economy of bearing.

China is plastic spending power, has a very rich plastic capital together, at the beginning of the 21st century, synthetic resin output of 1. 40000 tons, in the fourth international. “ 11th five-year plan & throughout; Time synthetic resin with 5% in China A 10% yield to grow rapidly. The current China's plastics machinery professional production of about 10 billion yuan a year, and domestic market demand of about 20 billion yuan, also has the very big space. It is predicted that the 21st century information category is plastic, while China is the largest mall in the 21st century plastics industry. According to the data calculation, on the plastic board and other plastic products in consumption occupies second to America's international position. China's per capita spending is only 19 kg, ranked 32nd international, is only part of the industrial developed countries - 11% 20%, visible China still needs further development of plastic industry, still has a broad development prospects.
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