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Changshu smoothly da plastic products factory about PP plastic sheet welding method

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
PP plastic sheet is a kind of plastic sheet, we often use its density is small, easy processing, has excellent chemical resistance, heat resistance and impact resistance, non-toxic, tasteless is one of the most accord with the requirements of environmental protection engineering plastic. So you know how the PP plastic sheet welding, know what is PP plastic sheet welding method, the following and changshu da plastic products factory look at together smoothly.

welding method of PP plastic sheet is thought to thermoplastic welding is not reversible. A few process such as induction welding can produce reversible assembly parts. When it comes to choosing which method should be selected in the product design, due to the welding method of painted parts need to be very important, and different welding method has a different effect. Generally used to weld plastic pipe welding technology, heat or semi-finished products instead of plastic injection molding parts. But many thermoplastic molding parts, common is thermoplastic car plate is made of hot air welding repair technology, another hot air welding is sometimes used for sample preparation of plastic molding. Hot plate welding, it is electric heating metal mold plastic parts made by connection to soften the surface of the thermoplastic welding process. Apply to almost all the big or small thermoplastic parts. Appropriate welding together with a softer semicrystalline thermoplastic plastics such as PE plastic sheet and PP plastic sheet. Due to the mold surface temperature in the different name for two different thermoplastic material, it is the most suitable for welding different materials. Hot plate welding can reach very high welding strength. But this process cycle can be relatively long, small parts need 15 s, and a lot of parts need to be a few minutes. Hot air welding is widely used in connecting thermoplastic material and sheet produces large parts of the welding method. Is suitable for the need to some assembly of smaller injection molding parts, repair of thermoplastic parts and sample molding manufacture. With the welded parts of the same polymer brand is important to produce electrode.
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