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Changshu smoothly da plastic products factory about the status of PE plastic pipe in the pipe industry

by:CSSSLD     2021-02-03
In recent years, with the development of science and technology in our country and the progress of technology, plastic pipe is also developing quickly in our country, the quality has been improved, the advantages of PE plastic pipe in the construction industry, has been one of the main PE plastic pipe application scope is wide. PE plastic pipe material unique advantage determines the plastic pipe industry in our country, the main development, the development of plastic pipe road more quickly in our country, has a high quality. Changshu well below da plastic products factory about the PE plastic pipe in the position in plastic pipe industry!

PE plastic pipe material are the main features: the molecular weight, molecular weight distribution, additives and proper combination of four basic variable density, can produce different characteristics of polymer catalyst, can producing a different use of PE pipe material, can achieve the effect of the balance on the performance.

different PE plastic pipe has a different purpose:

the fuel gas pipe features mainly connect more reliable, with the method of electric hot melt connection, the strength of the joint is higher than the strength of the pipeline itself; Has the impact resistance at low temperature, PE in the low temperature embrittlement is lower, in the winter, impact resistance material itself is higher, so not happen pipes burst; PE pipe is more resistant to ageing, under the condition of the using life is longer in the open air can be used for 50 years, will not harm because of ultraviolet radiation on the pipe itself; PE pipe is more convenient when handling, PE pipe with steel pipe, galvanized pipe and concrete pipes to please a lot, at the time of installation and handling easily, do not use more manpower and equipment, reduce the installation of the project.

PE water supply pipe features: has good health, no poison, PE and also does not contain heavy metal additive, and not born bacteria and dirt and does not produce, and quickly solve the secondary pollution of drinking water more in line with national standard of water; The lining is smooth, the friction coefficient is low; PE pipe flexibility is good, strong impact resistance, resistance to earthquake and distortion.

PE plastic pipe application in our country's construction industry more extensive, as construction of drainage, drainage pipe buried in the ground, the tube on the pipeline, agriculture, industry, on the tube. PE plastic pipe is mainly used for urban gas supply, urban water supply, and farmland irrigation, etc.
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