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Changshu smoothly da plastic products factory analysis of ABS plastic different profile cracking the five reasons

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
ABS plastic different profile is one of the common plastic special-shaped material, plastic different profile is irregular shape of the plastic material. ABS plastic different profile is easy to be in the process of production profile cracking phenomenon. The cause of cracking during the process of producing ABS plastic different profile has a lot of, is mostly due to production process there is an error, it is possible that forming die failures. Below smooth da plastic products factory in changshu analysis of cracking in the process of ABS plastic mechanical manufacturing under five reasons:

1, production pressure, speed, filling material, injection, and the holding time is too long, these will lead to excessive internal stress cracking;

2, adjust the molding speed and pressure, to prevent rapid demoulding cracking caused by strong pull plastic profile;

3, the appropriate high mold temperature, make the product easy demoulding; ABS plastic different profile cut material appropriate temperature, prevent the decomposition;

4, prevent due to weld mark and plastic degradation less decline in mechanical properties and fracture;

5, the residual stress, the product can be through after forming annealing heat treatment to eliminate internal stress reduce crack generation.
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