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Changshu smoothly da plastic products factory answer questions common plastic pipe production process

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Plastic tubing in the process of production there will be some unexpected problems or small trouble, changshu answers da plastic products factory smoothly for you plastic tubing common problems in the process of production:

1, plastic pipe material, the surface has burnt mark: may the fuselage or head temperature is too high, the nose and filter didn't clean, in the aggregate impurity, too little material thermal stability or thermal stability of dose, temperature control instrument malfunction.

2, plastic pipe material surface with black stripes, may head temperature is too high, the filter didn't clean.

3, plastic pipe material surface matt: may die temperature too low or too high.

4, plastic pipe material, the surface has wrinkles, uneven around the mouth may die temperature, cooling water is too hot, too slow.

5, plastic tubing inwall coarse: may plug temperature is low, low body temperature, screw temperature too high.

6 have crack, plastic tubing inwall: may have impurities, the core temperature is too low, low body temperature, pulling speed too fast.

7, plastic pipe material, pipe inner surface is uneven: may screw temperature is too high, the screw rotation speed is too fast.

8, plastic pipe material, pipe wall there are air bubbles: may is expected to be affected with damp be affected with damp.

9, plastic tubing wall thickness is uneven, might not be the mouth mould core mould is uneven, the nose temperature instability, traction, compressed air is not stable.

10, plastic tubing bending: may be uneven pipe wall thickness, temperature uneven around the nose, the nose cooling groove traction cutting center not for different heart, cooling slot hole on both ends.

11, plastic tubing products crisp: may the fuselage plasticizing degree is not enough, the screw rotation speed is too fast, the nose low temperature, resin viscosity too high.

12, large plastic pipes longitudinal or transverse shrinkage: probably sizing sets of the radial difference between mouth die diameter and big ( Lateral) And drawing speed on the high side, Longitudinal) 。

13, slow suddenly discharge: may screw feed temperature is high, the body into the water, the nose melt pressure is small.
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