CSSSLD plastic product factory specialized in plastic injection, a professional plastic extrusion manufacturer and plastic injection factory since 1997.

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Changshu smoothly da plastic products factory extruder under the structure

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Plastic different profile is one of the common plastic material, often used in the construction industry, and manufacturing plastic different profile without extruder, changshu da plastic products factory negotiate smoothly below extruder structure!

1, host,

extrusion system: consists of a screw with a nitrogen-treated barrel, is a key part of extruder. Plasticizing material, its effect is quantitative, constant pressure and constant temperature extrusion melt

the transmission system: drive screw, provide the required torque and torque

the heating and cooling system: ensure that the plastic and extrusion system in the process of forming temperature of process requirement

2, auxiliary engine

by the nose, finalize the design equipment, cooling device, traction device, take-up device, cutting of

3, the control system

consists of electrical, instrumentation and actuator

: control of main, auxiliary engine motor, so as to meet the required speed and power; Control the main auxiliary engine temperature, pressure, flow, ensure the quality of products; Realize automatic control of extrusion unit, ensure main, auxiliary engine coordination operation.
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