CSSSLD plastic product factory specialized in plastic injection, a professional plastic extrusion manufacturer and plastic injection factory since 1997.

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Changshu smoothly da plastic products factory introduced plastic extruding machine heating and cooling

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Plastic extrusion machine heating and cooling is the necessary condition, plastic extrusion process can be smoothly da plastic products factory in changshu is introduced below plastic extrusion machine heating and cooling.

plastic extruder is commonly used now is electric heating, divided into resistance heating and induction heating, heating tablets in the fuselage, machine neck, in all parts of the nose. Plastic extruder heating device by external heating the plastic inside the cylinder, make the temperature of the heating process operations required in order to achieve; Plastic extruder cooling device is to ensure that the plastic in the temperature range of technical requirement. Detail is to rule out the screw rotating the excess heat generated by the shear friction, to avoid make plastic decomposition, charred or higher temperature is difficult. Barrel cooling into the water and air cooling two, general small and medium-sized squeeze molding machine adopts air cooling is more appropriate, large plastic extruder using water or two forms with more cooling; Plastic extruder screw water cooled mainly adopts center, purpose is to increase the rate of plastic extruder solid conveying material, the quantity of adhesive stability at the same time, improve product quality. But in plastic extruder cooling hopper, one is to strengthen the role of plastic extruder of solid materials transportation prevent because of heat up to jam the material plastic grains sticky, 2 it is to guarantee the normal work of the transmission parts.
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