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Changshu smoothly da plastic products factory introduced plastic extrusion die polishing method

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Plastic extrusion mould polishing methods of fine have what kind of? Changshu well below da plastic products factory in detail plastic extrusion die polishing method.

1, the coarse polishing

after milling, edm, grinding, the surface of the mold can choose coarse polishing. Wheel to remove rough on the surface of the mold, followed by manually oilstone grinding. Using abrasive grinding, the surface of the mold to build more slippery.

2, half fine polishing

half fine polishing tools are mainly sand paper and kerosene. Sand paper is a kind of very good polishing tool, mould will be more smooth surface polishing. Kerosene in this is the role of lubrication, reduce the damage on sandpaper. In addition to these also need to pay special attention to the pre hardened steel is res of sand paper burnish, or cause burns on the surface of the pre hardened steel.

3, fine polishing

the main tool is fine polishing diamond grinding paste. It is worth noting that in the fine polishing step, has a great demand for the polishing of places. The precision requirement in 1 & mu; M more than polishing needs a relatively clean indoor. But to be more precise polishing there must be an absolute clean place. Because of the high dust, smoke and so on all has the potential to scrap precision polishing surface.
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