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Changshu smoothly da plastic products factory of PVC plastic pipe connection method

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
PVC plastic pipe material in general can be divided into PVC water pipe and drain two kinds, is to use professional equipment production and become, is mostly applied in government, industry, civil drainage, water vegetation and farmland irrigation, in used for water supply and drainage engineering, be a pipe connecting, changshu well below da plastic products factory to give us the PVC plastic tubing connection method.

PVC plastic pipe connection methods mainly have sealed connection, adhesive type connection box, flange connection, such as three, if sealed connection pipe diameter is greater than 1 cm is used less than a centimeter USES the adhesive joint connection, of course, also can use of connectors. PVC plastic pipe material next to the sewer or other tubes, generally USES the metal pipe, the flange joint to connect at this time, switch and pipeline connection also use flange connection.

with PVC plastic tubing connection should pay attention to what?

when small-bore pipeline using adhesive to make pipe socket into small rounded shape and ensure the pipe ends neatly and in a straight line to avoid water seepage, general pipeline diameter greater than or equal to 1 cm PVC pipe with a sealed interface, during installation must appoint the inversion of pipe socket part, and check whether the use of synthetic quality pass, when installation, must be the interface with dry cloth to wipe clean to avoid accident!
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