CSSSLD plastic product factory specialized in plastic injection, a professional plastic extrusion manufacturer and plastic injection factory since 1997.

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Changshu smoothly da plastic products factory required two cases about plastic injection mould

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
The use of plastic injection mould are also common, though they are made in extrusion molding, but they reveal effect, completely as other molds. When using this kind of mold, however, we must pay attention to what situations, changshu da plastic products factory talk about extrusion mould smoothly below note two things!

the first point is we want to prevent loss. Plastic extrusion die while in extrusion finish to complete all kinds of homework, but we cannot ignore the situation of scratched. If exposed to the hard thing in the process of operation, or is that the matter is too sharp, so they can appear to be scratched, next time in the molding operation, can affect molding effect. So we must prevent the scratched plastic extrusion die.

the second point is we should pay attention to clean. Plastic extrusion die every homework, can produce some residual material, residue and other ingredients. If you don't to clean homework, corrupt erosion situation arises, of course, used again, not only to shape the effect will be affected, forming the goods, also will contain many impurities.

so, when we were in the use of plastic injection mould, not only must pay attention away from the solid material, prevent scratched, but also pay attention to clean, to ensure that every effective purify molding operation.
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