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Changshu smoothly da plastic products factory share ABS plastic tubing six big advantage

by:CSSSLD     2021-02-03
PVC plastic pipe material and ABS plastic tubing is commonly used in the construction of plastic pipe material, but compared with PVC plastic pipe material, ABS plastic tubing performance advantages more apparent. First of all, from the impact strength, ABS pipe is far stronger than PVC pipe, which is also one of the reasons for ABS pipe application widely. Smoothness and ABS pipe quality of a material is lighter, better, more suitable for residential water supply system. Changshu well below da plastic products factory to learn more about the ABS plastic tubing compared with PVC plastic pipe material has six major advantages:

1, has excellent impact strength, is 5 of the PVC pipe & ndash; — Six times; And can work under high pressure, which is about 4 times of the PVC tube;

2, stable chemical performance, non-toxic tasteless, acid, alkali, and used in the food industry is non-toxic, tasteless;

3, wide temperature range of use: use temperature range for - 40℃本; — 80℃;

4, light weight, small resistance; Eight times, products inside and outside the wall smooth, small resistance;

5, pipe connection is convenient, good sealing,

6, suitable color, is light ivory color, give a person the sense with quietly elegant, clean.
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