CSSSLD plastic product factory specialized in plastic injection, a professional plastic extrusion manufacturer and plastic injection factory since 1997.

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Changshu smoothly da plastic products factory take you understand plastic extruding molding process

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Changshu smoothly da plastic products factory take you understand plastic extruding molding process.

plastic extrusion process: charging & ndash; — The molten plastic in the screw & ndash; — The nose mouth die extrusion & ndash; — Finalize the design & ndash; — Cooling & ndash; — Traction & ndash; — Cutting

plastic extruding molding characteristics:

(1) continuous, high efficiency, stable quality,

2. Wide application

3. Simple equipment, less investment, fast effect

(4) production environment health, labor intensity is low

5. Suitable for mass production

plastic extrusion process for resin material:

most thermoplastics, such as PVC, PS, ABS, PC, PE, PP, PA, PMMA, PET, PBT, TPE, TPU, etc.

extrusion plastic products:

plastic film, mesh material, products of cladding layer, the cross section of a certain length, continuous pipe, plate, sheet, rod, packaging tapes, monofilament, and profiles, etc. , can also be used for powder mixed granulation, dyeing, resin, etc.
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