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Changshu smoothly da plastic products factory talk about distinguish between PP plastic board quality seven skills

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Plastic plate is made of plastics as raw material, widely used in industries such as construction, chemical industry, PP plastic board is an important part of the plastic plate, its wear resistance, vibration resistance, corrosion resistance, recycled, strength, anti-aging, waterproof, moistureproof, out of shape not easily and reused to win market recognition. Some production of the cause of the pursuit of profit, let a low-quality PP plastic board flooding the market, make the choose and buy PP plastic sheet headaches! How to correctly choose PP plastic sheet? Changshu well below da plastic products factory to introduce you to identify the PP plastic board quality seven skills!

  1. Look at the surface gloss of poor gloss is recycled plastic;

  2. See its toughness pure raw material PP polypropylene plastic excellent toughness can be slightly curved;

  3. After watching the cutting surface recycled plastic cutting inside will have different colors mixed material;

  4. See its density PP polypropylene density of 0. 92 - — 0. Floating on the surface of 93 as the raw material of polypropylene, regeneration of mostly sink;

  5. The heating welding recycled plastic welding with smoke;

6, penetrability, recycled plastic completely the poor;

7, toughness, recycled plastic differ a lot.
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